Meals by Mel

About Us

About Us

Fresh, Flavorful, Crafted for You – that’s the Meals By Mel promise – Mel

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Welcome to Meals By Mel, your gateway to nutritious, delicious, and perfectly balanced meals!

The year was 2020, a time when the entire world was held captive by a pandemic. As with everyone else, I found myself in the confines of my home. But this period didn’t just signify a lockdown for me – it became an opportunity to pursue my passion and fulfill a purpose.

As a devoted mother, a caring wife, and a fervent food enthusiast. I grew up in a family where food wasn’t just about sustenance; it was a language of love. The tantalizing smells from my grandmother’s kitchen formed the fabric of my childhood and instilled in me a deep-seated respect for nutrition and taste.

As COVID-19 started transforming our lives, I noticed that people in my community struggled to maintain a healthy diet amidst the uncertainties. That’s when I knew I could make a difference. My love for cooking and understanding of nutrition inspired me to create meals that were not only appetizing but also healthful, bringing comfort and joy in those challenging times.

Word about my nutritious and delicious meals spread through my community, and the demand started growing. Encouraged by this, and with the unwavering support of my family, I decided to share my culinary passion with a larger audience. That was the birth of Meals By Mel.

Today, Meals By Mel has evolved from a small home-based endeavor into a thriving meal prep business. We cater to families, busy professionals, fitness enthusiasts, and everyone who values tasty meals that nourish their health.

Our team, an extension of my own family, is committed to crafting and delivering meals that cater to your well- being while delighting your taste buds. With Meals By Mel, you can trust that each dish is prepared with immense love, care, and commitment to your health.

At Meals By Mel, we’re not just providing a service – we’re sharing my passion for good food and healthy living. So sit back and let us take care of your meals while you focus on living and savoring your life..


Welcome to our family!